As i Promised hehhehehe......
sorry all ...i was just so busy gileee yang teramat !! ...
bz with family n stuff and oso upgrading upgrading hikssss :P
besides i dun really snap photo on the raya eve ..
kinda busy dengan kids ... n plus assisant tak ada mummy is everythin ..
phewwwwww.... my kids is like pulling my leg here n there .... adoiii..
n i was likeee "kejup kejup mummy tau mummy nih hot stuff muahahahha kejapppp!!!!!" (bolehlah puke,vomit ke apa yang patut beramai-ramai) im just kiddo okeyyy ;) apapon i fell like my life macam kelam kabut skit since tak ada assistant a.k.a. maid terhormat but still im happy sebab i think i rasa more peaceful.. kesibukan menyebabkan i 4get all what eva prob yg tak patut difikir dan difikirkan akkakkkak... n its like rubbish, lalang, langau or what eva it suppose to called huhuhuhu ..:P hell yeah im happy weeeeeee...
here some photo snap on raya...
my mom n my mak usu yang masak tuh for breakfast ... klu harapkan anak a.k.a. ME alamat no breakfast laa gamaknyerrr.. manatahu kan kan im a super women n sometimes i can do many things in short time ehhehehe.. just kiddo.. again bluekkkkk...
dats my family hiksss....
dats my pak ude n mak ude tercinta ;)
rilek2 santaiii...;)
dats my cousin ...die SPM hari ni kowt ...hiksss good luck dear!!
k laaa tuh jer as for now .. more story is on da wayyyy.. tgguuuuuuu kemunculan the next episode hehehheheh cam movie lak ekkk ...goshhh am i over or what ...ekekekekke
wit lots of love
me ;)
terase lg demam raye haji ne.. btw, mcm byk ker ur fmly msk?lame xmkn mskn kg..adoi
ReplyDeletebyk gile laa awak .... pengsan i... next day terus i membuang ....ngeeeee :P