Thursday, January 5, 2023

Life as PA and New Year New Motivation

Assalamualaikum semua & Selamat sejahtera.

Dah breakfast ke tu?? I dah makan roti and coffee. Hopefully semua in good health. Now tgh cuba nak paksa diri, rajinkan diri untuk update blog. Hopefull that not making you alls boring huhuhuhuhuhu… My boss GCFO baru sahaja retire. I’am counting for the new boss to come in. Maybe in 2-3 months perhaps earlier. In the mean time iam assisting all in the corporate office. So far i am happy with my job walaupun i was thinking of upgrade try something new. But i am so sayang my job as Personal Assistant. PA ni banyak kena buat kerja multitasking. Doing alot of things sebenarnya tapi i sangat-sangat passion on what i am doing. The duty also sometimes need to standby 24hrs. I love to work closer to the boss. Taking care of their schedule, meetings and all including their personal matters. As an PA also must know how to handle all the confidential matters. Always alert knows what is priority. Always professional when it comes to work and also nak kena neat and always look pretty hahaha. Well kena laa cantik selalu kan. Baru lah boost all the positive energy and level up the self confident in sha allah. Kebiasaan i akan sampai office 8am. Awalkan? I kena awal so that i can go breakfast. Chill-chill dulu sebelum start work. Alhamdulillah working hours dah fix 9am-5pm. 

               This is my old work station where i can see the traffic. My boss room infront i je.  

My new room and sebelah is my boss room. 
Workstation kena selalu kemas dan cantik barulah semangat nak datang kerja kan kan kan. 

The view from my desk. Boleh laa tgk hujan ke. Orang main tennis ke. Hehe. 

My Boss room. 

The view from my boss room. Best. 

If boring boleh laa jalan-jalan cuci mata. 

So yah ini laaah dia my workplace. Tempat i cari rezeki. So far i kat sini hampir 15 tahun. Alhamdulillah. Semoga rezeki terus berpanjangan dan melimpah ruah buat i dan kita semua. Kerja ni kena rajin. Jangan putus asa. Kena sentiasa kuatkan semangat. Demi diri dan juga keluarga. Setiap perjalanan pasti ada ujian dan rintangan. Stay strong tau. Stay positive. Stay happy. Allah swt suka dengan orang yang sentiasa berusaha dengan apa jua yang kita lakukan dan lakukan yang terbaik. In sha allah kita semua pasti berjaya.   That’s all sharing for today. More exciting story soon ya. Tungguuuuuu.. 


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Selamat Tahun Baru 2023

Assalamualaikum you alls!! And selamat sejahtera…
Selamat Tahun Baru 2023 you alls!! 

2023. It’s finally here!! OMG how time really flies!! Well i’am still here being me and in sha allh awesome too 😝. 2022 has been super great to me.. Time pass by seriously super fast. And yet yes i think everyone is having a wonderful year too in sha allah. Life like always been a roller coaster kan. I’m sure everyone is doing great. I heard the new variant of covid-19 is kick in. But somehow i hope it is not that serious. Most of the time i did no wear mask pun.
Today 3rd of Jan 2023. Laju je kan. Apa azam baru korang? Yang tahun lepas tercapai tak? Hopefully semua orang dapat capat segala yang diimpikan. For me much more or less almost all completed. Not much but much more grateful dengan apa yang ada alhamdulillah. Tapi ada satu azam ni yang almost every year belum tercapai iaitu azam nak kurus. Badan makin debaaaabommmmmmm. Entahlah tak tahu nak salahkan siapa. Yang pasti shuben selalu ajak teman dia makan. I pulak sometime tak tertahan tengok dia makan macam sedap je. Dia selalu having a very late dinner. Sebab dia balik kerja plus ngopi dengan kawan sampai rumah lambat sentiasa. I kalau boleh nak cut off time makan lebih kurang dalam 6-8 malam. Tapi apalah daya hawa nafsu senipis kulis bawang. Tapi i dah start semalam teman en suami makan tapi i makan sesudu jer nasi. Harap dapatlah i kawal my diet ni. Hope so. Now im 68kg tau. My mission is to get at least 60-65kg. Doakan i tau you alls. 

Jap jap i nak list azam baru :
1. Turunkan berat badan (setiap tahun ada azam ni kikikikiki..) 

2. Eat clean and healthy (try eat less rice) 

3. Start work out at least once or twice a week
4. Update blog sawang ni at least once a month (ni lagi 1 kepoyoan. Gadget dah macam-macam upgrade tapi still jarang update. Everytime nak update i ketandusan idea and tak tahu apa nak share walaupun sebenarnya banyak je benda hahaha..) sorry tau you alls.   

5. Handphone baru utk en suami (in sha allah klu ada rezeki)  

6. Nak tambahkan simpanan (amount rahsia) 

7. Nak renovate rumah sikit 

8. Paragling KKB

9. Travel tu wajib (in sha allah di dalam radar) 

10. Baca Quran and khatam lagi. 

Sajer nak cukup kan 10. Merapu and berangan je lebih haha. Berangan tu free kan. Mana tahu semua list ni tercapai tahun ni. Walaupun i heard that people is saying the economy this year not doing so good. But somehow life must go on no matter what. Kita harus terus berusaha selagi hayat masinh ada. Selagi masih ada lagi kekuatan dan jangan sekali putus asa. Semoga kita semua terus semangat berjuang!! 

My wish is may all our wish and mission and vision this year will achieve succesfully in sha allah. Good luck tau korang semua. Let’s just do our best. The best that we all can!! Sampai sini dulu okeh. 
