Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Sekian Lama

Assalamualaikum semua dan selamat sejahtera..

i do miss blogging alot.. i always do.. now i dah final sem for my studies.. alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar.. now nak kena nervous untuk project paper pulak.. nak kena pilih tajuk then submit for approval. still dilemma nak buat project paper pasal apa.. please pray for me gaiss!! kalau boleh nak complete it as soon as possible so that i can be free and success with flying colors.

i memang suka study.. nak buat apa-apa pun dalam hidup kita kena study, buat research and all. bukan mudah nak senang kan. the struggle is real. apa pun i nak buat yang terbaik. my first daughter pun dah masuk uni. the same uni as mine before. alhamdulillah she also made it in. i ask her to super duper focus on her study. so that she also can get a job and travel around the world. in sha allah. may her dream come true.

My second daughter is going to sit for PT3 very very soon. her exam almost there. almost. i also hope what ever that she dream will come true. i always wanted the best for my kids.

i hope after my final semester i will have more time blogging and vloging too.. in sha allah..

till then.. stay safe.. stay healthy.. stay happy..

Lots of Love